Boil water once when making tea

William Gorman, chairman of the Tea and Infusions Association, warns that boiling the same water more than once removes the oxygen and nitrogen and results in a ‘dull’ cup of tea.

Mr Gorman, whose organisation represents tea packers, brokers and importers, said: ‘Usually when people’s tea goes cold they reboil the kettle and make another cup. But doing this you are guaranteed to give yourself a dull cup of tea. You need freshly drawn water for a good cup because reboiling it takes out all the oxygen and nitrogen out of it.’

He added: ‘A better solution is to put it in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds. When you microwave tea all you’re doing is from a scientific point of view is just moving the molecules around and getting it back up to a decent temperature. It is not impacting the flavour at all.’

Next time while making tea be sure that the water is freshly taken from the tap or your storage! 

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