Heart disease gene found in women

A gene that puts women at higher risk of heart disease has been identified, a study done by researchers from the University College London suggests.

The research showed that women who had a particular version of the BCAR1 gene were more likely than other women to have heart attacks and strokes. While men who had the gene were not at increased risk.

The study, published in the journal, Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, pooled data from five European research projects, involving nearly 4,000 men and women.

Lead author of the research, Freya Boardman-Pretty, said: ‘We’ve known for a long time that risk factors for heart disease are different for men and women. This gene effect seen only in women, could be contributing to this difference, although we expect there are a lot of other factors at play.’

She added that more research is needed and that individuals need to look beyond their genetic make-up and focus on healthy lifestyles to help protect themselves from heart disease.

Dr Shannon Amoils, from the British Heart Foundation, which helped fund the research, added: ‘Heart disease is often seen as a disease which predominantly affects men, but this is simply not the case.’

‘It is imperative that everyone takes steps to prevent it. Women can reduce their risk by not smoking, getting regular physical exercise and eating healthily.’

Written by: Dr. Ajay Sati.

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