Working while standing at workplace – a new approach

Office as a workplace is changing. Cabins are far and few and are being replaced by open office. Windows are sealed and there is no fresh air. All air is conditioned and mostly recycled. And work is now overwork – there are rigid timelines.

Most of these have an effect on health of most workers.

Some companies and individuals know how to mitigate this risk; while others either don’t know or don’t want to know.

Some offices have treadmill workstations, while others have adjustable desks where they can stand and work too.

Standing while working and alternating it with sitting is considered healthy and it is this healthiness that improves performance at work.

Standing helps burn more calories. It is estimated that if you stand for three hours a day for five days, about 750 calories are burnt. Just by doing this around 3.6 kg, of fat is burnt in a year.

Standing also tones up your postural muscles – calves, hip flexors, chest and all the muscles along the spine.

It might feel odd to start with – to develop the habit of standing while working, try it for 10 minutes every hour.

Many software companies, including Yahoo, Microsoft and Walmart have height-adjustable standing desks.

Ergotron and Inspiron are two companies in India that cater to the requirements of these height-adjustable desks.

Try standing and working – it will improve your health and your performance!

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