Benefits of banana

Banana is one fruit known in all cultures and countries, unlike the avocado. It is also freely available and unarguably the cheapest fruit.

Its benefits are enormous. Having one or two big banana daily can offer the following benefits. Those who do not exercise much may take one banana daily for fear of gaining weight.

The benefits:

1. Bananas have high calorie and hence even a single banana provides sufficient energy.

2. Being a fruit it can be taken during fast (especially in India) for provision of some energy requirement of a fasting day.

3. Banana is an appropriate food if small and nutrient-filled food has to be given during an illness or extreme fever as during such situations the body is weak and there is food aversion.

4. It is a good source of Potassium and Magnesium, both of which help maintain normal blood pressure as well as protect the heart.

5. Banana has anti-acid properties and hence protects against stomach ulcers.

6. It is an excellent food during diarrhea as it helps restores potassium loss.

7. Banana contains oligosachharides, which act as a prebiotic which are known to stimulate growth of friendly bacteria already present in the intestine, eventually protecting us from harmful bacteria that can cause gastric disturbances.

8. Oligosachharides present in the banana also produce digestive enzymes that improves ability to absorb nutrients.

9. Consumption of banana is known to improve mood. This is because tryptophan in banana gets converted to serotonin, a mood elevator.

10. Banana contains carotenoids and phenolic compounds which are antioxidants. These protect against chronic diseases.

11. There is some evidence that over-ripe banana has anti-cancer properties.

Dr. Ajay Sati.

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