Cure for peeling fingertips

Fingertips are important to carry out day-to day activities like typing, writing, cooking and cleaning objects.

When fingertips begin to peel, it helps to control anxiety and stay away from the allergen (items that are causing it). Adopting a healthy lifestyle also helps to manage the condition.

Plants, flowers, lead, metal, leather and detergent soaps are some of the commonly known allergens. Fingertip peeling is more common in hot weather among young adults and those who sweat a lot.

Starting as air-filled blisters which appear white, the blisters burst and are painful. Soon they become red, dry and cracked. They are not itchy. The skin may sometimes split at the end of fingers.

Here are a few tips to manage peeling fingertips:

A detailed history helps in identifying the cause.

In early cases, maintaining normal hydration is useful.

In case of excessive dryness, use liquid paraffin based moisturiser during day time and an emollient during bed time.

Application of aloe vera has been found to be effective too.

Prescription medications are not required in 50% of people who have fingertip peeling.

Proper personal care, under standing of the condition, its causes, avoiding soaps and irritants and managing anxiety helps.

The use of NanoFractional Radio Frequency is becoming popular. It reduces the recurrences and also helps in controlling inflammatory response and exfoliation. Four to six sessions at monthly interval provides long-term relief and also prevents recurrence. In between treatments, mild emollients or moisturiser will assist speedy recovery and ensure long interval between recurrences.


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