Forest walking is a wellness activity

It originated in Japan and now is being regarded as the new wellness solution for people living in cities.

Simply walk in the forests or go up climbing a mountain. It’s called ‘Shinrin-yoku’ or ‘forest bathing’ and is the latest mantra to rejenuvate oneself. It  does not involve soaking in a tub among the woods, but means basking in the greenery of the forest area. Developed in Japan, tech workers in the West are now increasingly adapting to this practice to unplug, and it has become a recognised stress-reduction activity across the world, too. While poets like Wordsworth and John Keats always highlighted the value of nature in their works, here’s why the age-old thought is gaining prominence, today …HOW IT WORKS: PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SHINRIN-YOKU

This kind of `natural bathing’ is being seen as the best antidote to killer stress levels. A study on forest bathing found that those subjected to such environments showed reduced levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and blood pressure, a better lower pulse rate than in city environments. Imagine taking a walk for just 20 minutes among the quiet green and allowing nature’s beauty to take over all else. Walking in the woods can lower our levels of stress hormones.Eva Selhub and Alan Logan, authors of a book on nature say: “Spending time within a forest can reduce stress, depressive symptoms and hostility, while improving sleep, increasing vigour and feelings of liveliness.“ In a concrete jungle like Mumbai, with information and stress overload, the mantra highlights the desperate need for a mannature connect…


With countless interactions that we are faced with on a daily basis and rising stress levels, the concept is the need of the hour for the city. Greenery that is little and far between, robs the urban dweller of quiet calm. While several corporates in the West organise `Unplug and Recharge in Nature’ days, maybe it’s time we applied the same back home. Ready to make `outside time’ the new `me time’?


There are several Shinrin yoku organisations across the world that arrange nature walks and retreats. Forest and moun tain walking are also being considered as official wellness activities.

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