Just 5 days of physical inactivity can damage blood vessels

Research from University of Missouri School of Medicine suggests that even 5 days of physical inactivity can damage the blood vessels in the legs. The research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology further states that it requires more than one day of returning to physical activity and taking at least 10,000 steps a day to improve.

According to the researchers, when someone reduces a high daily physical activity  (10,000 or more steps per day) to low daily physical activity (less than 5,000 steps per day), it may lead to a decrease in the function of the inner lining of blood vessels in the legs which may further trigger vascular dysfunction which can have prolonged effects.

Paul Fadel, Associate Professor of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, and John Thyfault, Associate Professor of Nutrition and exercise physiology have been analyzing inactivity and glycemic (blood sugar) control and also how it affects blood flow and vascular function through the body.

‘We know the negative consequences from not engaging in physical activity can be reversed. There is much data to indicate that at any stage of a disease, and at any time in your life, you can get active and prolong your life. However, we found that skipping just five days of physical activity causes damage to blood vessels in the legs that can take a prolonged period of time to repair. The impairment we saw in just five days was quite striking. It shows just how susceptible the vascular system is to physical inactivity,’ Fadel said.

‘These studies are proof we need to get people to understand their activity every day plays a role in their health, and that their health is not simply a matter of body weight and how they look in the mirror,’ concluded John Thyfault.

One of the best ways to stay active is to do all office work by self (like getting tea/water to the desk, going to the printer to pick up prints, and walk outdoors as much as possible. Ofcourse, nothing like going to the gym atleast 5 days in a week.

Health experts agree that walking 10,000 steps in a day or for 30 minutes (need not walk 10,000 steps in one go or walk 30 minutes continuously – even if done in bits and pieces) coupled with a balanced diet (include eating lots of colored fruits and vegetables) does help to stay fit.

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