Five cancer-fighting superfoods

While research is on to find out ways to prevent cancer or fight an existing one it is important to know that there are some foods that have been shown to have the ability to fight cancer.

The following foods, or superfoods as some may like to call them, are worthy of inclusion in your diets to prevent cancer or to fight an existing one:

  1. Pomegranate: Researchers have identified six chemicals in the pomegranate that suppress aromatase — a substance in the body that helps produce estrogen. Almost about 70 % of breast cancers need estrogen to grow, so pomegranate is a prime candidate as a breast-cancer-blocking super food. Scientists have also detected two substances in the fruit with potential to fight both colon cancer and diabetes.
  2.  Grapes: The grape seed extract inhibits aromatase — just as pomegranate (see above). Grape seed extract also blocks the action of a protein that helps cancer grow and spread. It has the potential to starve tumors by suppressing their blood supply.
  3. Blueberries: One study indicates that blueberries may help stop the growth and spread of triple-negative breast cancer. This form of the disease is particularly aggressive and resistant to therapy. The blueberry juice held back the migration of cancer cells, shrank tumors, stopped cancer cells from multiplying and even triggered their destruction.
  4. Mushroom: The common white-button mushroom blocks aromatase, a protein linked to most breast cancers. In lab studies, mushroom extract have been shown to slow the growth of breast tumors. The mushroom extract was also found to lower the level of a hormone linked to prostate cancer. Shitake mushrooms could activate body’s natural defenses to help fight lung cancer. Research has also revealed that mushroom intake may prevent fatty liver, slow down the formation of fat and reduce the incidence of metabolic diseases like diabetes.
  5. Cinnamon: The extract of cinnamon is known to interfere with a protein that helps tumors establish a blood supply, which is critical to keep them growing. Studies are on to conclude if cinnamon can choke the life out of cancer.

Remember to include these in your diet as this will help prevent cancer or manage an existing cancer.

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